New Mailboxes For Everyone!

New Mailboxes For Everyone!

Apr 03, 2023

The Board of Directors has decided to invest in new mailboxes and posts for all residents. This is a good idea because many of the current mailboxes are in poor condition. The funds for this investment will come from the association dues that we all pay, which have accumulated on our balance sheet.

Some residents (including myself) expressed concern about mail theft and asked if there is an option for a locking mailbox upgrade. Board members responded by explaining that those who had already installed the new locking mailboxes could keep them. If you've had your mail stolen before, this was welcome news.

However, the Management Company caused some confusion by first responding to a resident that if they wanted a locking mailbox they could not be accommodated and they should go get a P.O. Box. On April 6th, they again released a general notice not mentioning the locking mailbox exception, but instead, pointing out that if you already replaced your mailbox with one that looks like the new mailbox, you could keep it. That message effectively excluded the locking mailboxes, because they don't look like the new ones.

Anyway, it was again clarified in the chat that those with the new locking boxes can keep them. Before you order a locking mailbox that does not look like the rest, plese wait becase I'm going to order one of the new one's the Association is providing, so I can try to make a locking system for it. I'll send a notice on the chat if I find an acceptable solution.

If you plan to request approval for a locking mailbox, it's recommended to use the same locking mailbox that has already been accepted by the association. I would definitely prefer a locking mailbox that looks like the others, so that's why I'm going to try to adapt the new one. The Oasis 360 locking mailbox can be purchased from Home Depot or Amazon for about $95.